Interview - Susan Jhin

Mrs. Susan Cho Jhin was born in Daejeon, South Korea, where her father was a physician and her mother worked in media, specifically radio broadcasting. Mrs. Jhin (at the age of 9) and her family eventually immigrated to America, where she discusses adjusting to American life. Later, she went on to attend Smith College and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, with a BA, magna cum laude in economics. Afterwards, she worked at Glaxo SmithKline in several corporate positions. Mrs. Jhin then received her MBA from the Yale School of Management. When her husband, Michael K. Jhin was recruited to be the President and CEO of St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital at the Texas Medical Center, they moved to Houston. Since then, Mrs. Jhin worked to promote Korean culture through exhibits, events, and fundraising with the Asia Society of Texas, the Children’s Museum of Houston, and the Houston Korean Festival.

Mrs. Jhin also founded her own consulting firm and worked a couple of years with Gene Medicine, a gene pharmaceutical startup. She is very active in her community, involved in several boards, and has volunteered for the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Mrs. Jhin and her husband have three children, all born in Houston.

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