COVID-19 Special Collection - Anthony Pabillano

Anthony Pabillano immigrated from the Philippines to the US during his teenage years, which was quite a turbulent memory for him and became one of the inspirations for his later artistic creativity. He pursued an undergraduate degree in Accounting in Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi, TX and a Master’s degree in University of Texas at Austin. Upon graduation, he became an Advisory Forensic and Litigation professional, for which he works full-time; in his spare time he immerses himself in creating art. He is particularly drawn to paper art, which he was initially inspired by Henri Matisse due to art classes in high school.

Besides art and accounting, his diverse interests in life include mathematics (in particular geometry), architecture and increasingly, community contribution. He serves as a Board Member and Treasurer at the Visual Art Alliance, and is one of the 32 artist members of a locally well known co-op gallery, the Archway Gallery. He also volunteers for various social causes, one of which due to his roots and connection to the Philippines, the “Filipinx Artists of Houston” group; and others such as “Drawing from the Wound”, an art collective of seven artists addressing their personal stories of grief through art.

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