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Coatis in the Tijuca National Park, near the restaurant Os Esquilos


leader of terreiro Mãe Meninazinha de Oxum and her goddaughter (Nilce Nascimento).jpeg
The leader of Ilê Omolu Oxum, Mãe Meninazinha de Oxum, and her niece, Nilce Nascimento.

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Located in the terreiro Ilê Omolu Oxum, the Memorial Iyá Davina is a documentation and research center open to the public and dedicated to Afro-Brazilian society and culture. The center stores various materials (including photographs, drawings,…

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Lithograph and present-day ruins of the sugarcane mill in Bracuí.

This sugarcane mill was inaugurated on June 12, 1885, by Souza Brothers & Co.


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Marilda de Souza, one of the leaders of the quilombo Santa Rita do Bracuí, standing in front of a poster explaining the history of the community.

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The jongo is a dance that was originally performed by the enslaved workers at coffee plantations in southeast Brazil. Today, the quilombo of Santa Rita do Bracuí is continuing this Afro-Brazilian tradition.

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House of one of the quilombo leaders, Marilda de Souza.

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According to the inhabitants of the quilombo of Santa Rita of Bracuí, this cemetery, attached to the chapel of São José, was built for the enslaved community of Bracuí to bury their relatives and was used exclusively by the descendants of emancipated…


Located on the western slope of the Morro da Conceição, this Hanging Garden of Valongo (Jardim Suspenso do Valongo), called so because it sits 7 meters above street level, was built in 1906 and designed as a romantic garden by the landscape architect…

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Map of the Tijuca forest made in in azulejos (Portuguese ceramic tiles) and designed by Castro Maya in 1943-46. The Tijuca forest was the first protected public area established in Brazil by Dom Pedro II in 1861, and efforts to reforest the land…


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Urucum is the original Tupi name (meaning "red color") of Bixa orellana, a shrub native to Central America. Many indigenous peoples of the Americas used the seeds of this plant to make body paint and lipstick.

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Instrument of torture used on runaway slaves, from the Santa Izabel plantation

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Hermann von Hesse, Molly Morgan, Daniel Domingues, James Sidbury, and Miriam Bondim (Researcher, Municipal Museum of Mangaratiba)

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River leading to Sahy beach (Praia do Sahy)


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View of a coastline of Bracuí in the state of Rio de Janeiro


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Taunay Waterfall in the Tijuca National Park


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Signpost for the Waterfall of Souls in the Tijuca National Park


Inaugurated in 2017, the MUHCAB (Museu da História e da Cultura Afro-Brasileira) is located in the former José Bonifácio School in Little Africa. It seeks to tell the story of Afro-descendant communities in the region, showcase Afro-Brazilian…


Participants of the Mellon Sawyer seminar on the stairs of the Hanging Garden of Valongo

Participants of the Mellon Sawyer seminar inside the MUHCAB (Museu da História e da Cultura Afro-Brasileira)


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Two sculptures by the Afro-Brazilian artist Mestre Didi (1917-2013). For more information, see:
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