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  • Tags: Bracuí

san jose im bracui - pair with cemetery.jpeg
According to the inhabitants of the quilombo of Santa Rita of Bracuí, this cemetery, attached to the chapel of São José, was built for the enslaved community of Bracuí to bury their relatives and was used exclusively by the descendants of emancipated…


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View of a coastline of Bracuí in the state of Rio de Janeiro


house of quilombo leader (marilda).jpeg
House of one of the quilombo leaders, Marilda de Souza.

leaders' house in bracui quilombo - a jongo.jpeg
The jongo is a dance that was originally performed by the enslaved workers at coffee plantations in southeast Brazil. Today, the quilombo of Santa Rita do Bracuí is continuing this Afro-Brazilian tradition.

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Marilda de Souza, one of the leaders of the quilombo Santa Rita do Bracuí, standing in front of a poster explaining the history of the community.

sugarmill in bracui area engenho central de braqui.jpeg
Lithograph and present-day ruins of the sugarcane mill in Bracuí.

This sugarcane mill was inaugurated on June 12, 1885, by Souza Brothers & Co.


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Urucum is the original Tupi name (meaning "red color") of Bixa orellana, a shrub native to Central America. Many indigenous peoples of the Americas used the seeds of this plant to make body paint and lipstick.

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