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2022-06-08 16.17.56.jpeg
Sculpture made by A.D. Bressae in 1871, a boy carries in one hand a sign that read "Honor to Dom Pedro II" and a broken chain in the other. It is a typical example of how artistic representations of historical events distort reality by celebrating…

A map of the Floresta da Tijuca portion of the park in azulejos.jpeg
Map of the Tijuca forest made in in azulejos (Portuguese ceramic tiles) and designed by Castro Maya in 1943-46. The Tijuca forest was the first protected public area established in Brazil by Dom Pedro II in 1861, and efforts to reforest the land…


These 19th and 20th-century works made in carved wood by Bahian artist Erotides Americo de Araujo Lopes represent Black female workers on the streets of Brazil. These women, both enslaved and free, are also called "ganhadeiras," referring to the…
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